


Home Management Consulting

In Management consulting, often referred to as business consulting, we at C&B advice and/or implementation services to the (senior) management of organizations with the aim of improving the effectiveness of their business strategy, organizational performance and operational processes.


As a result of our exposure to, and relationships with numerous organizations, we are typically aware of industry “best practices” which lets us diagnose, identify the problems, design solution, setup & implement processes to ensure business operations are auto channelized towards Organization efficiency and growth objective.

Services Offered:

  • Organizational change-management assistance,
  • Process & efficiency improvement across operations
  • Technology implementation
  • Working capital & stock optimization
  • Cost optimization & profitability improvement
  • ERP Implementation

  • Database Management (DBMS)
  • Organization structuring
  • Employee Performance Management Systems (PMS)
  • Human Resource Management (HRM)
  • Incentive strategy to boost performance

Some of our Prominent Milestones

  • Reduced production time from 22 days to 16 days (33% reduction) for a large garment manufacturer.
  • 40% reduction in management time spent on routine daily operations for a large Madhya Pradesh based sweet manufacturer.
  • Increase in overall bottom-line by 17% for a garment retailer in Tamil Nadu.
  • BPR-led growth of a small hospital with 80 beds to 4 hospitals with 500 beds.
  • Helped a large retail client reduce stock by 35% along with an increase in revenue by 30%.
  • Sales order fulfilment rate increased by 77% for a garment manufacturer in Maharashtra.
  • Product replenishment lead time reduced from 30 hours to 2 hours for a hyper market player resulting in 80% reduction of stock out situations.
  • Average production per day increased by 25% & defects rate reduced from 1.5% to 0.7%.
  • 100% on-time claim of supplier schemes saved revenue leakage of 27 lakhs in the 1st year for an electronics franchisee chain.
  • Average time to resolve services issues reduced to 2.5 days from 10 days.

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